
sbilde's picture

The 'Errata-page' on this site.

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  • Hi there.

    First of all - Thanks a lot for this great book about Drupal! - This is deffently gonna be the new 'bible' for this area.

    A have a request regarding the Errata-page. Is it possible, that you could add the page-number aswel in the 'teaser-view'- for the specific error, and sort the view be page-number when more errors are added to the Errata-page? - It makes it easy to navigate.

    Just a thought.

    Once again thank all of you guys.

    Best regards,


  • Benjamin Melançon's picture

    Drupal telling your modules need an update, then saying everything...

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  • If Drupal tells you from the modules page that an update is needed, and you click the link and it says everything is fine, click over to the Updates report page (admin/reports/updates) to get the full story. It will usually be something important: a module you installed that is no longer supported (which is why it both is "in need of updating" and at the same time has no updates are available).

    See http://drupal.org/node/961060 for trying to fix this.

  • Benjamin Melançon's picture

    Make your own test.php file

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  • Chx tip via Chad Phillips (hunmonk) at DrupalCon Boston 2008 (updated to Drupal 7).

    Make your own test scripts.

    Require the first three lines of index.php, and you have a fully bootstrapped Drupal.

    Make a file called test.php or anything you like and keep that in the same folder as index.php.

    Here is an example that prints out all the configuration information available to Drupal:

  • Benjamin Melançon's picture

    Don't bug IRC unless you are going to stick around

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  • It is best not to ask a question in IRC unless we know we can be in there for the next hour at least. For one, responses and help and working it out from various people may take that long. Even if the answer is two words of brilliance, our unknown savior with just the right knowledge may only check into IRC an hour or more after we post, and answer then. It's dispiriting to our would-be helpers and rude of us to no longer be in the room when they check in, and many people read the backscroll of their IRC sessions every once in a while, rather than monitor it constantly.

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