Book element
More user-friendly (and site-builder friendly) way to create a page of weblinks than Link (field) and Views modules.
if makes it to 7 in time.
More user-friendly (and site-builder friendly) way to create a page of weblinks than Link (field) and Views modules.
if makes it to 7 in time.
Comment notify lets your site visitors – signed-in and anonymous – ask to receive e-mail notifications about subsequent comments while they are leaving a comment themselves.
This module has been suggested to and used by Dries, and is being considered for inclusion in Drupal core. That's always a good sign.
Download and install:
Command line steps
drush dl comment_notify
drush en comment_notify
Comment notify requires the core Token module, which, if it has not been enabled, we will be prompted to enable.
drush dl globalredirect
Global redirect makes sure that when people visit a page on your site, they see your latest beautiful alias, not the Drupalish internal path or your second-to-last alias.
For instance, even if someone links to node/23 directly, they will be redirected to the aliased version, point/official-release-drupal-2-0
(Go to the module's project page for a 7 step description.)