Peter M. Wolanin, Ph.D.
Peter's involvement with Drupal dates to late 2005 when a friend who had been a Howard Dean supporter involved him in a project to build a new web presence for the local Democratic party club, and they started building the site on Drupal 4.7 beta. Peter soon became as much interested in the challenge of fixing bugs and adding features in Drupal core and contributed modules as actual site building, and became a noted contributor to Drupal 5, 6 and 7, a member of the Drupal documentation team, joined the Drupal Security Team, and was elected in 2010 as a Permanent Member of the Drupal Association.
Peter joined the Acquia engineering team in 2008, and enjoys the company of his stellar colleagues. Before all this, Peter graduated cum laude from Princeton University, received a doctoral degree in Physics from the University of Michigan, and conducted post-doctoral and industrial research in Biophysics and Molecular Biology.