Mike Gifford founded OpenConcept Consulting Inc. in 1999. He has been particularly active in developing and extending open source content management systems to empower people to have more control over their own sites. Mike has been very active in building online campaigns for progressive organizations and politicians in both Canada and the United States.
Since 2005, OpenConcept (OC) has been developing exclusively on Drupal. The OC team has contributed a number of modules to the Drupal community and promotes the use of Drupal within the government and non-profit sectors.
Mike has been involved with accessibility issues since the early 1990's and is a strong advocate for standards based design. Since 2009, he has contributed to the accessibility enhancements adopted by the Drupal community, including improvements in Drupal 7 core. Mike has presented at DrupalCamp Toronto & Montreal, most recently on OC's work on accessibility enhancements.