Chapters & Authors of the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7

  • Definitive Guide to Drupal 7

  • The Definitive Guide to Drupal 7 accelerates people along the Drupal learning curve by covering all aspects of doing Drupal: site building and development, running projects sustainably, and participating in the community. The primary focus is on building sites with Drupal 7, bringing in all the knowledge this requires: of configuration, available modules, theming, project management, and ultimately advanced development.

  • PART 1: Getting Started

  • 1 — 1. First Steps: Building a Drupal 7 site

  • Build a complete site in the first chapter. Go from zero to sixty miles per hour (or one hundred kilometers per hour, as the case may be) in 27 pages.

  • 2 — 2. Essential Tools: Drush and Git

  • Whether building sites, developing themes or modules, or trying to make a Drupal distribution that can drive your car, Drush (the Drupal shell) and Git (an open source version control system) will help you get where you are going quickly and safely.

  • PART 2: Site Building Foundations

  • 3 — 3. Building Dynamic Pages Using Views

  • Take a journey of thorough understanding through the most important contributed project Drupal has: Views. Most if not all sites you build will rely on the Views module for the powerful ways it provides to list, filter, and sort content.