Claudina Sarahe began her career as a front-end developer for both Pop Art and The New Group in Portland, Oregon. In 2007, she left the west coast and set up shop in New York, where she began work at the Huffington Post. She then went on to become one of the founding members of UNICEF Innovation. It was at UNICEF where her interest in open-source technology strategies developed. She further pursued this at Method, leading interactive development for clients such as Charlie Rose, PBS, Scholastic and Count Me In. She lead the strategy and initial product development for Vestify, a crowdfunding web application for entrepreneurs powering the MassChallenge Global Start-Up Competition.
Claudina Sarahe believes in philosophy and principles of open-source and see's great value for society outside open-source technological communities to learn from the models of governance and advancement. For the last three years and counting she has been working with Drupal and loves the code but above all, the community.
Claudina Sarahe still loves front-end development and is excited about the HTML 5 initiatives and overall rise in concern within the Drupal community around front-end issues, including usability and accessibility. She now has turned a lot of her focus to bettering collaboration between clients and technologists- leveraging open source tools to fulfill organizational needs in a streamlined, efficient manner and Drupal education in middle to high school students with a focus on less advantaged (bi-lingual) communities. Claudina Sarahe is currently a Principal at Agaric.
A firm believer in a balanced, interdisciplinary lifestyle she co-hosts a weekly radio show—My Family Album—as part of the Radio Hive Freeform Radio Collective. She invites readers to tune in live every Tuesday from 8-10 PM EST, or peruse the archives. When she has time she volunteers at Bluestockings and the 4th Street Food Coop. She keeps her mind and body elastic with lots of Bikram Yoga and Crossfit.