
Benjamin Melançon's picture

Form item classes


  • forms
  • Book element

  • Note
  • Drupal 7 much improves the classes added to the div surrounding form items (in Drupal 6 it was hard-coded to 'form-item'). The type of form element and the form element name are now added as form-item-type and form-item-name. You can see how Drupal does this (and see the theme function you would override to change this) at

  • Explanation

  • This inability to control form element divs is a frustration from Drupal 6, mitigated in 7, and could go in a module building, form altering, or theming section.
  • Benjamin Melançon's picture

    The Importance of Patching

    Book element

  • Note
  • It's hard to convey just how important knowing how to make patches really is.

    We can look at an issue queue and see all sorts of feature requests and bug reports. Some may have detailed suggestions of how to do a feature or even have code pasted into the comments that worked for one user. Some bug reports or follow-ups may have the problem identified down to the line of code.

    But imagine that we made this module because we needed it, but we don't need the suggested feature or haven't run into the reported bug ourselves.

  • Explanation

  • Patching -- or the distributed repo functional equivalent -- is important -- May need update to fit with git.
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