
Benjamin Melançon's picture

Clean URLs

Book element

  • Caution
  • If your server can work with Clean URLs, Drupal configures itself to use them during a normal install. If it doesn't though, you'll have to make these changes on the server and then make this configuration change manually.

  • Explanation

  • Drupal takes care of this itself, but we need a warning for when it doesn't.
  • Benjamin Melançon's picture

    Do not change field-level settings

    Book element

  • Caution
  • We should almost never change universal values for existing fields. Drupal 7 does heroic work at allowing almost all field settings to be specific to the content type or other entity the field is attached to in a given instance. (Incidentally, that is what Drupal calls internally a unique field-and-entity combination: an instance.) Sometimes, however, we'll want to change one of the global configuration options at the bottom. We shouldn't, most of the time. We should create a new field, in this case, rather than re-using an existing field.

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